The Who.
Howdy! My name is Michael. If you’d like to see the gallery in its intended form, this is the place! I’ve been pursing photography since 2016, purchasing my first camera in hopes of documenting an overseas trip. It was the Sony RX100. I loved that thing. Initially street photography peaked my interests. I’d roam Sydney City for hours on end, paying special attention to the way light interacted with it’s people and architecture. It was a fun way to learn the basic technical skills required to create images. Even if most of them were crap.
Then, came my first sunrise. A chilly winters morning on Sydney’s North Shore. The excitement is seared into my memory. Rolling out of bed & leaping into the car, I had found myself on some heroic mission. With a $20 tripod and a no real grasp of what ‘aperture’ meant, I fired off hundreds of images. It felt good. The photographs weren’t. I crept up behind another photographer (who knew what he was doing), and saw the frames he had nailed. It was in that moment, I had been bitten.
I’d like to think the door to creativity and self expression was nudged open that morning. It brought with it a seemingly endless number of questions (both technically and artistically) that I’ve been attempting to answer since.
The Why.
I was fortunate enough to spend large portions of my childhood immersed in the outdoors. My relatives lived in the Blue Mountains National Park. I spent many a weekend hiking, camping and exploring the area. By my teens I had spent more time sleeping under the stars than the majority of my peers. Little did I know, those experiences would shape my love for the outdoors. As time progressed my interests widened, and I stumbled upon photography.
It’s this passion that has continued to fuel my creative ambitions today. There is undeniable evidence that our climate is changing. Unfortunately, Australia is in the firing line to suffer some of the most catastrophic effects of any developed nation. Kept unchecked, our ecosystems are set to change significantly over the coming century. As our variable weather conditions grow in intensity, some of the places seen in my gallery may cease to exist.
Through photography, I hope to showcase our natural world and capture her finest moments (while we still can). I believe we can all learn a thing or two from slowing down and deliberately absorbing our natural environment. The photographs found here are simply a representation of my experiences & emotions, frozen in time. I hope these feelings resonate with my audience.

Awards & Publications.